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BSc Entrepreneurship & Business Innovation

From the academic year 2020/2021 onwards, we can proudly say that we are thé study association of the bachelor Entrepreneurship & Business Innovation (EBI) at Tilburg University. This unique 3-year bachelor’s program focuses on driving an organization forward with business innovation or changing the world with a new start-up that will scale to a large company. More information can be found here.

BSc Bedrijfskunde (dutch)

The Dutch-taught bachelor’s program Bedrijfskunde teaches you all about managing businesses in different areas such as strategy, marketing, operations management, financial management, and human resources. In addition, you will learn to analyze the environment of companies with the goal of making a company operate as successfully as possible in a dynamic environment.

MSc Strategic Management

In addition, we are the study association for the master Strategic Management at Tilburg University. With 2 unique tracks of Entrepreneurship and Consultancy, this study focuses on learning how to recognize business challenges and design strategies to ensure long-term success. More information can be found here.

MSc Supply Chain Management

Furthermore, we are the study association for the master Supply Chain Management at Tilburg University. This study focuses on becoming an expert in designing, implementing, and managing comptitive supply chain processes within and across organizational boundaries. More information can be found here. 


For further questions or more information regarding one of these studies, visit us at Room E1.19 in the Esplanade building, send us an email (, or give us a call! (+31 (0)13-4663365)