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MSc Strategic Management

The master's program Strategic Management focuses on recognizing business challenges and designing strategies to ensure long-term success. This master is divided in 2 tracks:

Consultancy track

The Consultancy track of the master starts in September and specialiszes in the development of skills needed for advising firms on various contemporary strategic issues.

Entrepreneurship track

The Entrepreneurship track of the MSc Strategic Management starts in February and specializes in the study of entrepreneurial behavior in large firms and start-ups, and challenges you to think differently about strategic choices.


In addition to following this master at Tilburg University, Asset | Strategy & Logistics organizes several events and activities to enrich your knowledge, focusing on our three main pillars ; (1) Linking study to business, (2) Study support and (3) Study enrichment. To meet these objectives, we organize specific events and activities linked to Strategic Management, such as several informal activities, the Strategic Dinner, the Speeddating Event and the Consultancy Days. Multiple committees will be formed to get to know other students of this master as well as several companies of interest.

We would love to welcome you at our association and help you with all your study, student life, and entrepreneurship related questions. Interested in joining a committee? Click here for our committee overview. Follow us on social media to stay up to date regarding events and recent developments! 


For further questions, visit us at Room E1.19 in the Esplanade building, send us an email (, or give us a call! (+31 (0)13-4663365)