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Active Members Day

Active Members Day

It is almost time for the most fun Acom activity of the year; Active Member Day! We have some nice fun activities for you during this day. 
Though we still want to keep things a surprise, we will give you a little bit of a hint:

The "genadeloze tablet of terror" will bring us a surprise visit, 🚨😉 therefore we ask that you bring your swimsuits (swimming not obligated!) and also go fully dressed in Ex On The Beach theme 🏖️. You never know whose ex might wash up, and which one of you will be this years "man with the necklace" (Chainboy Papi) 👑. And of course, as you are used to by now with any Acom acitivity, we will do everything we can to make sure all singles will wake up with a helse kater 🥂🍻 the next day!

Be sure to get your ticket as soon as possible!

Location: Top secret, we will announce the gathering location when you are in the group chat.
Date: May 23
Time: To be Announced, but expect to leave around 13.00h, and to get back around 22.00h
Fee: To be Announced