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ACOM: Huifkar Cantus (ABC)

ACOM: Huifkar Cantus (ABC)

It is time to bring back one of the most beloved activities of last year, the huifkar cantus! This time we we will add another twist to it! This edition, you have to bring your own object to drink out of, and it can't be a cup!

In this Anything But a Cup edition of the huifkar cantus, you can bring your own boot, fish bowl, tube of mayonaisse, or whatever else you can come up with that you can drink out of! The only condidition is that it can't be a cup (or a glass for that matter)!

The exact details of starting time, pick up location, fee and possible events before the huifkar will be announced to you soon!

We hope to see you there!

Location: Pick up location to be announced soon.
Date: March 20, 2024
Time:  ~ 19.00h (Exact time to be announced soon)
Fee: To be announced soon