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E&BI Events 1: Tour de Tilburg

E&BI Events 1: Tour de Tilburg!

It's time for the first E&BI Event of the year! We are going to have a tour through the centre at various bars with challenges! Come and explore the city with us!
Three craft beers and 1 shot is on us!
It's also possible to have pizza with us for dinner, please indicate in the form if you want to join us.
You can also bring your TOP-week group and study mates, so invite them for this great night in the city.

We hope to see you there!

Start location: Esplanade Building (E 1.19)
Date: September 28
Time: 19.00h - 23.30h
Subscription Deadline: September 26 23:59:59
Fee: €5,00